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Criminal Law - Legel Aid

Information relating to this topic has been arranged in the following groups:

- Can the cops break down my door to enter my home?

- What are rules of criminal procedure?

- If the police didn't give me Miranda warnings, can my case be dismissed?

- What is the difference between petty offenses, infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies? Is there a right to a jury trial?

- Why is criminal procedure different from civil procedure?

- I understand that ignorance of the law is no defense. However, a friend of mine passed a bad check and he got off because he didn’t know it. How come?

- Federal and state constitutions - why should I understand them?

- What is the difference between procedural and substantive law?

- What are the typical steps in a criminal proceeding?

- What is a ‘crime?’

- How private are my conversations?

- If I don’t know that something is against the law, how can I be charged with breaking the law?

- What rights do I have when a law enforcement officer asks me questions?

- What does "criminal procedure" mean and why is it important?

- Do I have to give consent to a law enforcement officer to search my car?

- What is the difference between a civil offense and a crime?

- Detention and arrest - what's the difference?

- When is a government employee acting under 'color of law'?

- What should I do if I am arrested?

- Can the police get a warrant if someone told them I was doing something illegel?

- How do I find if there is an outstanding warrant out against me? I called the cops and they want me to drop on by and produce id.

- Can the police ever search me without a warrant?

- I have a very abusive and harassing recorded conversation with my husband’s ex-girlfriend, but am told that the rules of evidence bar the tape from being introduced in court. Why?

- Can the police just stop me on the street and search me for no reason?

- What is executive clemency and what is the procedure to file for it?

- Do the police need a warrant to arrest me?

- What legel steps can I take to expunge a felony conviction?

- Can the police come and get me in my house?

- How can we prove that the attorney we hired to defend our son on a criminal charge was ineffective and incompetent. He told us that it was trial tactics.

- Can I sue a police officer for false arrest?