A surety is a person who will act as a supervisor and ensure that the accused person attends court, does not breach the conditions of release and does not re-offend.
A surety cannot have a criminal record, must be over 18 years old, be able to supervise the accused on a day to day basis, understand the conditions the court might impose on you, and arrive at court on time.
You should have one or more sureties in court at your bail hearing.
Normally, if you are going to be released, you will be released into the care of your surety
The surety might have to pledge a certain amount of money (post bail) to ensure you will abide by the conditions which are imposed on you. Usually the surety need only demonstrate that he/she has the money and does not have to pay or deposit the actual cash funds into court. The amounts range from $550.00 to $5,000.00, but can vary greatly and go much higher.